Curriculum Statement of Intent, Implementation and Impact
Intent Statement
The intent of Art & Design at Trafford Alternative Education Provision is to create and maintain an environment where young people feel safe and supported in their learning. We encourage young people to challenge preconceptions, take risks and to show resilience. We want to build our young people’s self-esteem and develop their confidence so that they are able to take ownership of their learning and celebrate in their successes. We aspire for every young person to develop a lifelong love of learning and to be reflective in their practice. Essentially teaching our young people how to learn so that they can improve and potentially master a technique or idea. These skills are transferable across all disciplines and are essential in their education and personal development. For our young people this is best done through a broad and well-balanced curriculum that gives pupils the opportunity to find something they can engage with and enjoy. Pupils are given repeated opportunities to explore a variety of art-based skills including drawing, painting, printing, collage, textiles, 3D work and photography. Where possible we try to offer activities that do not have a predefined outcome or expectation whilst providing opportunities for self-directed learning. Staff are well trained and able to help young people where appropriate, however a strong emphasis is placed on their ability to learn and solve problems independently. Flexibility in the options available to Key Stage 3 and 4 pupils means they are also better able to access learning at a level appropriate to their abilities.
Implement Statement
All pupils receive:
- A safe environment with high expectations of behaviour and learning as well as close monitoring of equipment and modelling safe practice.
- Well planned series of lessons designed to stretch and challenge learners appropriately.
- A variety of formative assessment opportunities as part of the planned learning activity.
- Multi-disciplined and appropriately resourced curriculum including computer access for every young person.
- After-school and/or lunchtime sessions available where appropriate.
- Opportunities for exploratory, self-directed learning.
- Regular art-based training opportunities for staff.
- Pupils to be given the opportunity to take work home regularly and share in their achievements.
- Peer mentoring to model and encourage good working practice.
- Visits to museums and galleries as well as links with local facilities and workshop opportunities.
- Establishing clear cross-curricular links with other practises and support whole school initiatives such as ‘Year of Reading’.
- Regular display that celebrates learning and promotes whole-school initiatives.
KS4 and KS3
Recreational Art Craft
Recreational Art and craft is delivered by a TA and learning mentor. All work is accredited by AQA Unit Award Schemes.
GCSE Art and Design
All KS4 students are invited to participate in the GCSE Art programme. Art is available as a full or half GCSE depending on how much work you have in your portfolio. It requires a commitment of a minimum of one taught lesson per week, with another afternoon available for supported self-directed study.
GCSE Art and Design provides students with a wide range of creative, exciting and stimulating opportunities to explore their interests in ways that are both personally relevant and developmental in nature.
This two unit specification enables students to develop their ability to actively engage in the processes of Art and Design – to build creative skills through learning and doing, to develop imaginative and intuitive ways of working and develop knowledge and understanding of media, materials and technologies in historical and contemporary contexts, societies and cultures.
Assessment is by Unit 1: Portfolio of Work (Controlled Assessment) 60 per cent and Unit 2: Externally Set Task 40 per cent.
Impact Statement
The art curriculum has been designed to engage with and stretch our young people whilst giving them the opportunity to deep learn some of the foundation skills and techniques in Art.
- Young people to demonstrate an understanding of basic health and safety practise.
- Young people to enjoy their learning and be proud of the work they have produce.
- Opportunities to evaluate learning through the sketchbook as well as informal discussions.
- All key stage 4 pupils to have achieved some credits towards the AQA Award Units.
- Key stage 4 pupils to be well-prepared for possible post-16 art & design courses.