Bridging the link to learning
Trafford High School has provision for 32 full time places. The majority of students have been permanently excluded from school and will be allocated a further school following a period of time at the School. The School also provides ‘Step Out’ places for those students whose behaviour is a cause for concern and schools require additional support and assessment. A number of students are placed at the school during their formal assessment period and before moving to a special school. Some pupils are dual registered with a mainstream school. Some pupils attend the school as a result of problematic behaviour in their mainstream school, often leading to exclusion or periods of non-attendance.

Ofsted Rated
Effectiveness of leadership and management
Ofsted Rated
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment
Ofsted Rated
Personal development, behaviour and welfare
Ofsted rated
Outcomes for pupils
What is school life like?
Trafford High School is:
“My teachers listen to me and understand what I need to be the best I can be. I wouldn’t want to go to school anywhere else”
Adam, Year 10
Students feel they are:
Listened to
“I know that all of the teachers and staff want me to do well, because of that I always try my best”
Ben, Year 9
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