Tuesday 29th December 2022
Dear Parent/Carer
I am writing to inform you of some keys dates that are coming up in December and into the New Year.
Thursday 8th December– Christmas Jumper Day (optional). Please bring in £1 for our chosen charity: Children with Cancer UK.
Wednesday 14th December – Christmas Dinner. If your child normally brings a packed lunch but would like to have Christmas dinner with us the cost is £2.40. If you could send in the cash in an envelope with your child’s name on before Friday 9th December we can then put their name down.
School will close on Friday 16th December at 1pm. Please amend any travel arrangements if applicable.
School re-opens on Thursday 5th January 2023. This will be a parent/student review day where you will meet with all teachers to discuss the year ahead.
TMES parents between 10am-12pm. THS parents between 1pm-3pm.
No appointments necessary please just come along between the allotted times.
For our Yr11s there will be a Careers Event being held in the hall. We will have various companies and organisation for you to meet and gather information.
A reminder, if your child has school lunches and you are not in receipt of free school meals for your child, the cost of lunch is £2.40 per day or £12 per week. Cash or cheques made payable to
Trafford Borough Council.
Payment must be made every Monday for the week.
Free School Meal applications can be made through Trafford Borough Council.
We would like to thank you for your continued support and wish you an enjoyable festive season and Happy New Year.
Yours sincerely
Linda Thompson
Executive Headteacher