Trafford Alternative Education Provision
Careers Education and Guidance (CEG) is seen here at Trafford Alternative Education Provision as an essential part to every students’ curriculum. All students have an entitlement to an appropriate programme of provision. In the current economic climate it is important that your child is given the best possible chance to find information on all the education and training post-16.
At Trafford Alternative Education Provision the first port of call for our students is Jasmin Boyes Deputy TMES and Emma Keen Deputy THS they work with all the local colleges and training providers to ensure your child is informed about all available choices when they leave us.
Our staff at TMES and THS work closely with our Careers Adviser Toni Jackson-Wilde to give our students Independent Careers Guidance from Year 7 to 11 through one to one interviews, group work and drop-in sessions. Toni is at THS on Tuesday p.m. and at TMES on Wednesday a.m. This gives the students the opportunity to have a 1-1 careers interview with a Level 6 qualified and completely independent Careers Adviser. Toni is available to students at our request according to the SLA
If parents would like to feedback on our career provision please contact Lynda H Thompson on: THS 0161 912 1479 or TMES 0161 912 4766.
Careers Resources
Information on college open evenings, apprenticeship vacancies as well as general careers information can be found in the reception area.
Useful Websites